What are the names of camera moves?

What are the names of camera moves?

Ever felt hesitant to give feedback on a video or film shoot about camera moves? It’s a pretty common feeling and occurrence – especially now with brands, stakeholders and team members in attendance at so many shoots. We love and embrace this and especially welcome...
Video Aspect Ratios

Video Aspect Ratios

16:9 This is the most common aspect ratio in video – Widescreen. Camera’s shoot natively in this shape and TV’s are this shape. Common pixel sizes for this aspect are 1920 x 1080 (Full HD) and 3840 x 2160 (4K)   2. 9:16 This is basically the widescreen aspect...
Corporate Video

Corporate Video

Without face-to-face interactions, the first impressions of your business and what you stand for will be in your branding. It’s often said that marketing is like asking someone on a date, and branding is the reason they say yes. You could be doing everything right,...