Although we offer script writing and script production as a part of our production service offerings, we also welcome supplied scripts.

We understand and embrace that brands and business owners can work up a script for their productions. You are in your brand after all and the subject matter experts!

But also, in our two decades of countless VO record sessions – we’ve certainly seen more than our share of scripts that go too long. Marketers and brand managers want to get as much detail and content in as possible but sometimes this can affect the read, character and duration of your finished audio.

So here’s our guide to word counts in your script.

For a retail or fast paced spot;

A 15 second read should be approx 40 words.

A 30 second read should be approx 82 words.

For something a little slower with more character:

A 15 second read should be approx 35 words.

A 30 second read should be approx 75 words.

A 1 minute read should be approx 140 words.


For a storytold, character filled reads:

A 15 second read should be approx 30 words.

A 30 second read should be approx 56 words.

A 1 minute read should be approx 115 words.


Some extra tips for word count;

  • Price points like $4.99 need to be counted as two words
  • The percent in category discounts like ‘40% Off’ need to be read as separate words
  • Phone numbers take up loads of word count although they look like one word
  • Web addresses or URLs are read with the word ‘dot’ between each component – so they eat a lot of word count also.
  • High pace or high word count usually means the VO artist needs to sacrifice character and ability to highlight or accentuate areas in your script.


Regardless of whether you are providing a script or we are writing a script – we’ll always test the wordcount and read pace before looking to record your voiceover. We’ll always offer feedback or solutions to make your audio work for your production.